SINE DIE, 2018


Video (color, sound). Text: Spanish - English. Single-channel installation of variable measures. Duration: 7 minutes, 44 seconds. 2 + 1 AP Edition.

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

SINE DIE. Rocío Garriga

Text shown in video

Look at those numbers

They shine as if they were stars

They are black wounds in the sky

What you are seeing is the past

That has reached our future

Where are we?

Where dust catches fire under clouds of smoke

Some people do not recognise that state,

but they are in it,

and those who do, call it war.

What is that thing we call war?

It is a timeless state of blindness,

it produces strong bursts and explosions of energy.

There is too much talking

Maybe there is not enough thinking

Some people feel or wish too much

Others are simply gregarious and dominating

Generally motivation is in fear…

Also in love…

Even though sometimes it looks like they are the same

I understand nothing

They don’t, either, but they think they do

They pretend they are happy to fit in

and over time they will adopt strange forms of behaviour

They call it process, movement, change or transformation

I’ve already told you, they use the word civilisation

They think they have to burn in order to shine

What happens with my eyes?

I can’t see… What does that mean?

It means everything

Can you see?

Yes, I see what is lit and put out.

I’m scared

The earth and the sky are equally grey

Do you know anything about the war yet?

Numbers mean everything

They shine as if they were stars